Our last Stewardship Sunday was on November 5, 2023, but we invite you to participate if you are willing and able even after it is over.
If this is not a good time for you, we understand. And we invite those who are physical and virtual parishioners to pledge.
St John the Divine thrives in several ways, one of which is the commitment of people’s time and the other of money through stewardship.
There is a pledge form at the bottom of the page. If you are interested in how you can pay towards your pledge, we offer several options, including electronically; check how here.
Why Give? Words From Parishioners
A stewardship note from our Senior Warden:
October 4, 2023
Dear members, family, and friends,
This past year has brought us changes as well as blessings. We have thanked Father Matthew for his guidance as our interim rector and welcomed Rev. Mary as our new priest-in-charge. We held a successful Beer, Blues, and BBQ (our first fundraising event since COVID!) and have started growing our outreach again.
Every year around this time, we talk about stewardship. And while it’s true that we need financial support to continue our ministries, stewardship is about so much more than money. It is about sharing our blessings and with our community. Looking around on Sunday mornings, it’s clear that all of us at St. John the Divine have been blessed.
As you enjoy the upcoming holiday season, please prayerfully consider your pledge so we can continue sharing our blessings within our church and through outreach. Stewardship Sunday, a sign of our commitment to our faith and each other, is scheduled for November 5, 2023. We ask that you return your pledge card on or before Stewardship Sunday. Thank you for your generous commitment of time, talent, and giving this past year.
With gratitude for your consideration,
Rev. Mary Davis Jessica Markham
Priest-in-Charge Sr. Warden