Announcements for the week of March 16, 2025
Join us for the Holy Eucharist service for the 3rd Sunday of Lent, led by Rev. Mary Davis, at 9 AM on Sunday, March 23rd.
After the service:
☕ Coffee & Conversation in Healy Hall.
📅 Vestry Meeting (as this is the Fourth Sunday of the month).
Looking Ahead: Holy Week & Easter
Start thinking about how you’d like to participate in our upcoming services:
- Passion Silent Film – April 12
- Palm Sunday – April 13
- Maundy Thursday – April 17
- Good Friday – April 18
- Easter Vigil – April 19
- Easter Sunday – April 20
- Sunday’s Loose Plate Offering supports parish programs and operations.
- March Outreach Project: Supporting Episcopal Relief & Development and World Central Kitchen to aid victims of natural disasters.
- Lenten Study & Conversation – Tuesdays at 5:30 PM in Healy Hall. All are welcome!
- TLC Dinner – April 3. How will you help?
- Rummage Sale – May 9 & 10 – Donations can be brought to Classroom Two (but let’s leave the neighbor’s entire basement or attic at home!).
- Movie Night at St John’s! Join Kevin as he accompanies a 1912 film depiction of the Passion of Christ with our beautiful organ. The event will occur on April 12, 2025, at 6 pm at St. John’s! We encourage you to bring a friend or someone special to share in this experience. Here is more information about Silent Film Night at SJTD.
- Sunday Bursar Duties: Would you like to help with Sunday bursar duties? The role involves simple addition (calculator provided!), filling out a bank deposit slip, and completing an electronic tally sheet. Let us know if you’re interested!
- Serve in Worship: Are you interested in serving as an Acolyte, Altar Guild member, Chalice Bearer, Reader, Server, or Thurifer? If so, please speak with Rev. Mary. We’d love to have you join our team!
Prayers & More
Prayer Requests: The prayer request book is on the table near the greeter’s area outside Healy Hall. Please feel free to add your prayers or those of others in need.

The book is on the greeter’s table at church, and I want to request prayers. You can also submit a prayer request online. That webpage also shows the weekly Prayers of the People prayer list.
Our Online Church Calendar
Check out our calendar to see if the Hall is accessible or what is happening at church. This lists when other groups are using the church.
Could you help support us?
Please help us help others.
Could you help support us so we can help and serve others?
What is going on at St John’s
Stay updated with what we are doing
Visit our announcement page to mark your calendar to join us.
Do you want to pray with us?
Join us in prayer!
See who we’re praying for, or submit your prayer request.